I hadn’t heard a word about Cloud Atlas until the six minute, convoluted as all get out “trailer” hit for the film back in July. As I stated in a comment section for that trailer then, it seemed like a giant confusing cluster of a mess with no through story. In shorter form I disliked it. It’s rare I watch trailers much these days. I like to be as surprised as possible by films. That six minute trailer reminded me of another reason why, I walked into Cloud Atlas with a chip on my shoulder toward a film that seemed like a mess. 

Cloud Atlas last nearly three hours. The fact that it took a six minute trailer, that didn’t really tell you much of anything about the film should have been a sign that this was an “epic.” The sad part is, the story ends up selling the film short. Cloud Atlas follows several characters that are seemingly connected from one lifetime to another. The one trait that is used to drive this home is each of these characters having a distinctive birthmark that they all share. In each of these lifetimes the characters, usually played by the same actors, are all shown to lead various different lives. From thug life, to family men, to nefarious types out to murder for money and many other places in-between. The through of the story revolving around the actions, be them kind or evil of past/current lives and loves impact our future person. Thankfully the film refrains from ever getting preachy or dipping its toes into any kind of religious dealings. Though its still all rather heady stuff. I talked with several others about the film for a good hour after the film let out about various facets of it, and it seemed to bring impassioned responses both for and against from the half dozen folks I talked to about Cloud Atlas

Initially I loved everything that was going on for the first hour and a half to two hours of the film. It was at the late point of Cloud Atlas that it began to falter. There are six co-currently running stories. The film in the early goings effortlessly jumps from one to another. You have to be ready to sprint out of the gates. Assuming you can keep up you’ll be rewarded and enjoy each of these thinly related stories and characters, there is some good stuff in there and some outstanding performances from the ensemble cast including lots of Oscar bait, Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim   Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, and no less than Keith (my emphasis) “Fucking” David. The film falters once the stories, after several crescendos that seem to lead to the penultimate point of their stories continue and wear out their welcome. Think LOTR: Return of the King and it’s ending, after ending, after ending times six times and you kind of get the idea. After nearly three hours and getting the grand point to the story at around the two hour mark there was no easy way to wrap things up in either way. Do it to quickly and it feels messy and incomplete. Give each of the six stories their proper due, as its done, and its going to take 45mins to an hour to wrap things up after your audience has already wrapped up in their minds. 

While I walked away from Cloud Atlas a bit down, thinking of it, as I called it back in July, a Tree of Life for the Sci-Fi set I do have to commend filmmakers Larry and Lana Wachowski and Tom Tykwer. Cloud Atlas is an extremely ambitious film and is quite beautiful to look at. It does a lot of things right in its approach and tackling of such a grandiose story. The three filmmakers collaborating ultimately make the right calls. The film just gets hamstrung in It’s “unfilmable” source material leaving them in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation after the story feels like its been told. 

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I hadn’t heard a word about Cloud Atlas until the six minute, convoluted as all get out “trailer” hit for the film back in July. As I stated in a comment section for that trailer then, it seemed like a giant confusing cluster of a mess with no through story. In shorter form I disliked it. It’s rare I watch trailers much these days. I like to be as surprised as possible by films. That six minute trailer reminded me of another reason why, I walked into Cloud Atlas with a chip on my shoulder toward a film that seemed like a mess. 

Cloud Atlas last nearly three hours. The fact that it took a six minute trailer, that didn’t really tell you much of anything about the film should have been a sign that this was an “epic.” The sad part is, the story ends up selling the film short.

What is it? 

A magnificent bastard of psycho, sexual, southern trailer park fried thriller that pulls no punches. Killer Joe, which had its North American debut at SXSW 2012 back in March has been one of my most anticipated films of the year. A friend of mine saw the film at SX and hasn't been able to stop talking about it since. I was also given the impression that there was no way in hell it was going to be get anything less than an NC-17.

What is it?: A reboot of the Spider-Man franchise just a mere ten years after Sam Raimi’s trilogy got started, five since it ended with Spider-Man 3. A New cast, new director it’s essentially a whole new Spidey. Many felt it was “too soon” after the disappointing third, and ultimately final entry in Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy to completely reboot the franchise. Is it? Well more yes than no.

Is it any good? Ugh what an unnecessary disappointment.

What is it?: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter or ALVH from this point forward for short. I read an article the other day saying its one of those ideas your either fully on-board with or simply not. I tend to agree. Given the group this was coming from I had muted hopes for what I was getting into. To break it down its a fantastical take on the history of the 16th president of the United States of America.

Not so much of a "review" here as some observations of the event itself.

Traffic and parking were a nightmare. Mix with short thirty minute sets from all but the three "headliners" and you likely missed damn near half the bill if you weren't in the vicinity of Livestrong Park several hours before doors opened.

Livestrong Park Is a beautiful facility, for Sporting KC games. It is a terrible concert venue.

What is it? The second of two 2012 re-telling’s of the tale of Snow White. This one looks grittier and darker than any previous telling of the tale from my lifetime. Of course most everyone is likely familiar with Disney’s Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. Snow White and the Huntsman is anything but Disney. This is the type of film PG-13 was created for, humans die, sometimes brutally; creatures die with no blood shown in either instance.

What is it?: A horror thriller following six “extreme” tourist as they venture into Prypiat. Prypiat is likely better known as the town that the workers of the Chernobyl power plant lived in prior to its nuclear meltdown on April 26, 1986. Naturally the six and their tour guide encounter mutated freaks, or are they?, that start picking off the group.

Is it any good? I have a large interest in human disasters.

What is it?: The third film in the now 14 year old Men In Black film Franchise. This outing introduces time travel to the world of MIB seeing Agent J (Will Smith) traveling back to 1969 days before the Apollo 11 shuttle launch to save Agent K (the elder Tommy Lee Jones, the younger 1969 version Josh Brolin) from being assassinated.

Is it any good? It's a crowd pleaser finely cut from the typical big budget summer cloth.

So cramming three films into an evening after a full day of work on about three hours of sleep is a bad idea, who knew? I've done it before but usually away form home and with out work intruding upon my day. Thus it's always strange when these things happen at home. Its harder to focus.

I don't think the folks fo Wellsville Kansas will appreciate Nailbiter. I say this based on the fact that Nailbiter makes the town seem to be filled with extreme weather fulled monstrous freaks. Though I might be getting ahead of myself. You see that is the hard thing about horror/thriller films, its ever so easy to give too much away. Being that I like to stay as far away from spoilers I'll do my best to do so here.
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